Monthly Archives: June 2016

Creating a “healthy and balanced relationship with our physical environment” is probably one of the things you’ll hear me talk about most. Why is that? I have to say that makes me sad to see how much the area of decluttering is miscommunicated or misunderstood at times. And how there’s a line of thinking that

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Sometimes in interviews I get asked very different question about decluttering that really make me dig deep (in a good way), and the Irish Independent Declutter Guru feature over the weekend is a perfect example of this! You can have a look on the 11/06/16 edition of Irish Independent Life magazine.

Learn to let go in your work and declutter your business If we feel overwhelmed or restricted in our businesses it’s impossible to enjoy doing the work we love, and I know from experience this is a yockky feeling. Through my personalised Declutter Your Business Consultations (available on Skype or in person) I support and

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