Declutter Coach or Clutter Coach?

If you are on the lookout for a declutter coach (or clutter coach!) to help you let go of the stress and weight of clutter in your life, I can really help you!

Qualified and experienced in a range of self-help modalities including NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Reiki Mastership and Life Coaching, I specialise in helping you to declutter and truly “Let It Go”. I’ve also studied disciplines like Style Consultancy, Project Managament and Interior Design and Interior Architecture, so have a unique set of skills for helping you to deal with the more functional areas of organising and decluttering as well as the vital mindset area of the process.

My decluttering offerings include online and in-person decluttering consultations, decluttering courses and decluttering programmes (also specialising in letting go after bereavement and letting go after divorce or separation) for groups and individuals as well as Declutter Therapy, my decluttering book, my Declutter Your Wardrobe and Home online course and my training in professional decluttering.

Please email me today at – I’d be just delighted to help! 🙂



Clutter Coach | Declutter Coach | Decluttering Coach | Declutter Therapist | Clutter Therapist
