What Is Clutter

I find because of the great confusion around industry terminology that when I work with students, clients and the different aspects of the media that I need to first share how I define “clutter”.

What Is Clutter ?

In general terms, I see clutter as anything that makes you feel bad or that doesn’t serve you. Typically associated with physical items, clutter is indeed also relevant to other levels of life such as mental, emotional and energetic. These levels are also inextricably linked, so one type of clutter causes clutter elsewhere. It’s vital we can understand the workings of life in this context if we really want to break free from our clutter.

For the record, no person (not even a professional declutterer) can or should tell another what their clutter is. We all have different interpretations of clutter as well as “clutter thresholds”. Unless we are empowered to make our own decisions with clutter it will sadly always weigh us down.

Disorganisation then is the lack of systems for items we use and like, and as we also organise differently and have varying lifestyle, homes and habits we also need to be supported to find the best organisational system for ourselves.

Organising, tidying and cleaning are naturally part of decluttering but in truth have have nothing to do with the decluttering process in terms of the ability to let go of what doesn’t make you feel good or serve you in your life. Being unable to determine disorganisation from clutter is, I find, a really big stumbling block for many. Interestingly, many of my clients and students are so good at tidying, organising and cleaning but they come to work with me because they just can’t declutter and let go.

If you would love to be supported as you let go and learn to build the wardrobe and home of your heart’s desire or empower family, friends or paid clients to do this you can find out more about online version of The Declutter Academy Certified Professional Organizer online training and my live training in Ireland here.
