Thank You for International Declutter Day 2019

This year’s International Declutter Day took place on Saturday 21st September 2019. I always appreciate your updates on how the event has supported your personal decluttering or your group’s decluttering to aid your worthy cause. It’s great to hear that the website, support pack or concept have inspired or helped you in some way!

I set up Ireland’s National Declutter Day first in 2011 and with interest from others around the world I decided to run International Declutter Day in 2016. It’s a very win-win initiative in that it encourages the individual to Declutter to Feel Good and then Donate or Reuse, Recycle their unloved or unwanted items to benefit charities and the environment, as well as themselves and their families.

Learn more about the ethos, background and event partners of International Declutter Day at

Thank You!
