Help For Hoarders

I get many emails about hoarding and hoarders, and I also get asked a lot about the subject when I meet people out and about or when I’m giving group talks – generally it’s a worried family member or friend who is seeking the help or advice. Although many people are self-titled “hoarders” or believe they have a hoarding problem (both terms tend to be greatly over-used), they are typically not hoarders in the clinical sense, and hoarding is a very specialised and delicate area that needs to be managed with expertise and care. My work over the years has primarily been with people who are a bit stuck or overwhelmed or lacking the right thinking, knowledge or skills but committed to moving forward. Through my years of working in this field I’ve recognised that so many of us slot into this latter category at some stage in life.

Help For Hoarders

I must say, despite the wishes of well-intended friends or family members, that unless a situation is properly understood and the many emotions carefully managed, the process of decluttering and letting go the process unfortunately isn’t successful, it won’t offer any of the amazing benefits I’m always talking about, and it could, in fact, end up causing more damage than good. Please understand that there is often deep-seated trauma behind a hoarding problem that needs to be carefully and sensitively managed by a suitable professional (sadly, many hoarding TV shows do not take this respectful approach).

The right help for hoarders can be very hard to come by as there’s so much misinformation and confusion around the subject. If you are interested in helping friends, family members or clients who may have a clutter or hoarding problem (or if you would like this help yourself), please check out my Understand Hoarding support. This specially-designed help-for-hoarders tool equips you with the right level of information to get a true grip on this very-misunderstood, complex and sensitive area so you can make the right decisions and move forward with the situation with confidence, clarity and peace of mind. Full information and access the support tool here.

